Dr Ryan-Morgan is going to be working with Headway UK to produce produce webinars later this summer on mental capacity and brain injury as well as speaking at a major conference in London on 15th June at the Brain Injury Social Work Group event - On the Periphery: Brain Injury an Safeguarding in Marginalised Groups.
In her role as Chair of the Committee for Training in Clinical Neuropsychology for the British Psychological Society, Tracey is leading a working group with the Chair of the Division of Neuropsychology (Professor Ingram Wright) and the Chair of the Qualification in Clinical Neuropsychology (Dr Matthew Jones-Chesters) to produce a workable Professional Recognition route to the Specialist Register in Clinical Neuropsychology, with a plan to launch this towards the end of 2023.
Recent Presentations / Lectures given: (to March 2023)
16.11.22 - Wills & Succession Conference by St John’s Chambers in Dartington Hall, Devon. Title of talk: The Processes and Pitfalls of Assessing Testamentary Capacity
October 2022 - series of three webinars to Global Brain Injury Association on Brain Injury and its effects
21.09.22 - Presentation on Mental Capacity and the Frontal Lobe Paradox to South Wales Brain Injury Forum
20.09.22 - Complex Decision Making in Mental Capacity Practice - Neuropsychological Perspective. National Conference organised by Shropshire Council
29.04.22 - Complex Decision Making in Mental Capacity Practice – guest speaker at the Melanie George Memorial Conference hosted by BISWG / University of Essex and Division of Neuropsychology
22.04.22 - Training session on Executive Function and the Mental Capacity Act to Cambridgeshire County Council
24.03.22 - Capacity to Consent to Sex – keynote speaker at Enable Law event, Bristol
17.11.21 - Traumatic brain injury for non-specialists (APIL Cymru)
09.11.21 - Traumatic brain injury, normal vs abnormal ageing and dementia risk: What does the evidence say? Brain Injury Group national conference (Milton Keynes)
Sept / Oct 2021 - Advanced Psychometrics module on Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Neuropsychology (University of Christ Church, Canterbury)
23.08.21 – Training presentation to the South Wales Major Trauma Network (NHS Wales) on TBI and the Mental Capacity Act: paradoxes and conundrums
15.06.21 - Three hour training session to Hywel Dda Health Board GP trainees in Pembrokeshire on: Mild Traumatic Brain Injury; Traumatic Brain Injury and Dementia; and, Frontal Lobe Paradox
13.04.21 - Brain Injury Group (UK) Webinar on Frontal Lobe Paradox
31.11.20 - Major Trauma Pathway NHS Wales: Post Traumatic Amnesia - what is it? Why and How do we measure it?
26.11.20 - Clarion Solicitors Serious Injury Masterclass: lecture on Assessing Mental Capacity in Serious Injury Cases
29.10.20 - Brain Injury Group (UK) Webinar on Frontal Lobes & Traumatic Brain Injury
Webinars / Conferences attended:
13.10.22 - The Traumatic Brain Injury Revolution: Re-Cognition Health and ABI Solutions
10.02.22 - SPANS-x webinar (Hogrefe)
08.04.21 - BPS webinar - Tackling racism across psychological professions
23.03.21 - Brain Injury Group (UK) webinar: Neuroimaging in 2021
23.02.21 - Brain Injury Group (UK) webinar: Poor outcomes following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
28.01.21 - BPS webinar: Training Developments in Clinical Neuropsychology
28.01.21 - BPS webinar: Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
25.11.20 - DoN Scotland webinar on Concussion
18.11.20 - Disabilities Trust: Assessing memory and attention in clinical neuropsychology - the BMIPB-II
19.08.20 - Brain Injury Group (UK) webinar: Sex, marriage and contraception: recent cases in the Court of Protection
18.08.20 - BPS webinar: Beginning to talk about diversity and inclusion in neuropsychology
06.02.20 - Brain & Mind: Beyond Locked Doors: Managing Complexity in the Community (St George's Place, London)